Vasectomies at Oregon Urology Clinic

At the Oregon Urology Clinic, we offer vasectomy services as a safe and effective form of permanent birth control for men. Our experienced urologists perform vasectomies using minimally invasive techniques, providing our patients with a reliable and convenient option for family planning.

Understanding Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting or blocking the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra. By interrupting the flow of sperm, a vasectomy prevents pregnancy while preserving normal sexual function and hormone production.

Benefits of Vasectomy

Vasectomy offers several advantages as a method of birth control:

1. Permanent Birth Control: Vasectomy provides a permanent solution for men who no longer wish to have children, eliminating the need for other forms of contraception.

2. Highly Effective: Vasectomy is a highly effective form of birth control, with a success rate of over 99%. Once the procedure is performed, the chances of pregnancy are extremely low.

3. Convenient and Simple: Vasectomy is a relatively simple procedure that can be performed in an outpatient setting. It requires only local anesthesia, and the recovery time is typically quick, allowing patients to resume their normal activities within a few days.

4. Cost-Effective: Vasectomy is a cost-effective method of birth control. When compared to the long-term costs of other contraceptive methods, such as oral contraceptives or condoms, a vasectomy can be a more economical option.

The Vasectomy Procedure

Consultation and Preoperative Evaluation

Before undergoing a vasectomy, you will have a consultation with one of our experienced urologists. During this visit, we will discuss the procedure in detail, address any questions or concerns you may have, and evaluate your eligibility for the procedure. We will review your medical history, perform a physical examination, and ensure that you understand the permanent nature of the procedure.

Vasectomy Techniques

There are different techniques for performing vasectomies, including the traditional incision method and the no-scalpel technique. Our urologists will determine the most suitable approach for you based on your individual circumstances.

1. Traditional Incision Method: In this method, a small incision is made on each side of the scrotum to access the vas deferens. The vas deferens is then cut, and a small section may be removed. The ends of the vas deferens are either sealed or tied off to prevent sperm from passing through.

2. No-Scalpel Technique: The no-scalpel technique involves using a specialized instrument to create a tiny puncture in the scrotum. Through this puncture, the vas deferens is gently grasped, cut, and sealed or tied. This technique typically results in less bleeding and discomfort compared to the traditional incision method.

Anesthesia and Recovery

Vasectomies are usually performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area being worked on, ensuring your comfort during the procedure. The entire process typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the scrotal area. We will provide you with detailed postoperative instructions on how to manage any discomfort and promote healing. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth recovery.

Vasectomy Myths and Considerations

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding vasectomies that can create unnecessary concerns or doubts. Let’s address some common misconceptions:

Myth: Vasectomy affects sexual function.

Fact: Vasectomy does not affect sexual function, libido, or masculinity. It only blocks the sperm from reaching the ejaculate, but the orgasm and ejaculation processes remain unaffected.

Myth: Vasectomy is immediately effective.

Fact: Vasectomy is not immediately effective. After the procedure, it takes some time and several ejaculations to clear any remaining sperm from the reproductive system. We will provide specific instructions on when and how to confirm the success of the vasectomy.

Myth: Vasectomy increases the risk of prostate cancer or other health problems.

Fact: Numerous studies have found no association between vasectomy and an increased risk of prostate cancer or other health problems. Vasectomy is a safe and low-risk procedure.

Before deciding on a vasectomy, it’s important to carefully consider your reproductive goals and discuss the procedure with your partner, if applicable. While vasectomy is reversible in some cases, it should be considered a permanent form of contraception.

Vasectomy Reversal

In certain situations, such as changes in personal circumstances or desire for future fertility, some men may consider vasectomy reversal. Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure that reconnects the vas deferens, allowing the passage of sperm again.

It’s important to note that vasectomy reversal is a more complex procedure compared to vasectomy. The success of the reversal depends on various factors, including the length of time since the vasectomy, the surgical technique used, and individual factors.

At Oregon Urology Clinic, we provide vasectomy reversal services for eligible candidates. Our skilled urologists will evaluate your specific situation and discuss the potential success rates and considerations associated with vasectomy reversal.

Your Vasectomy Journey with Us

At the Oregon Urology Clinic, we understand the significance of the decision to undergo a vasectomy. Our experienced urologists are dedicated to providing compassionate care and guiding you through every step of the process. We will ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure, address any concerns, and provide personalized care to make your vasectomy experience comfortable and successful.